Story of Tillman, the Guinness World Record-Holding Skateboarding Bulldog


Do animals participate in sports?

Tillman, an English Bulldog, shattered records and gained immense popularity in the world of skateboarding and surfing. In 2007, a video surfaced on YouTube featuring Tillman skillfully skateboarding, garnering 22 million views and earning him the title of the “Skateboarding Bulldog

Main Video on Youtube with 22 milions view/ HD virsion

Guinness World Record

In 2009, Tillman achieved a Guinness World Record for being the fastest skateboarding dog. Covering a distance of 100 meters in a remarkable 19.67 seconds on a skateboard, Tillman secured the title of the world’s fastest skateboarding dog.

Tillman in MINI Advertisements

Tillman also made appearances in MINI car advertisements. In a 2014 YouTube video, featuring the slogan “Not Normal” Tillman showcases his skateboarding skills, making the ad go viral.

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Online Series Featuring Tillman

Some well-known animals find their way into films, series, or advertising messages, becoming a source of income for their owners. Tillman stars in a series called “Who Let the Dogs Out” where he, along with two of his Bulldog friends, learns various moves.

there is a music video with the same name of tv show.

Owner’s Insights

Ron Davis, Tillman’s owner, shares insights into Tillman’s abilities and interests

Tillman, aside from skateboarding, has a particular fondness for golf carts. Davis mentions that Tillman was not trained using traditional commands but naturally developed an affinity for skateboarding, dedicating countless hours to practice and mastering various skateboards. Davis emphasizes how Tillman’s fame has transformed their lives.

Tillman’s Legacy

Tillman, the world’s fastest skateboarding dog, passed away in 2015 at the age of ten.

Record Broken

Tillman held the title of the world’s fastest skateboarding dog until 2013. However, in the same year’s X Games in Los Angeles, a dog named “Jumpy the Dog” surpassed Tillman’s record by covering 100 meters in 19.65 seconds, breaking the record for the fastest skateboarding dog.

Sources Used for this Story:

Story of Tillman, the Guinness World Record-Holding Skateboarding Bulldog
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