Luminaris Short Stop-Motion Film 2011 with 324 World Awards

Luminaris Short Stop-Motion Film 2011 with 324 World Awards
the luminous short film Luminaris produced in 2011 in France with a story about a world that is controlled by light and does not have a good relationship with darkness.

Luminaris short film with Guinness record

Story of the movie: In a world controlled by light and time is based on light. A very ordinary man has a plan that might change fate…

Juan Pablo Zaramella is a creative director, animator and illustrator who has more than 10 films and short animations along with 2 series in his career.

In 2018, his short film was able to win 324 awards, the title of ” the most awarded short film in history – Guinness World Record holder to the Most Awarded Short in history” .

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