Why I Dropped Out of College | Steve Jobs

This motivational video is a summary of a section of Jobs’ speech, that we must make decisions in life, go after learning things that can add something to us, pursue our curiosities, even if it means bypassing college …

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Steve Jobs vs. University

Motivational video about the life of one of the most successful people

In 2005, Steve Jobs went to Stanford University and spoke at the graduation ceremony for students. He defines his life in three short stories for students.

Steve Jobs: I am very happy to be at your graduation ceremony today, studying at one of the best universities in the world.

I never graduated from college.

Today I want to tell you the story of my life.

It’s not very long, just three short stories.

Summary of motivation from this speech

This motivational video is a summary of a section of Jobs’ speech, that we must make decisions in life, go after learning things that can add something to us, pursue our curiosities, even if it means bypassing college …

The complete text of this speech

Part One: “Connecting seemingly unrelated events in life.
Six months after starting college at REED College, I intended to drop out, but about a year and a half after dropping out, I would come and go to college.

Well, now I want to tell you why I dropped out of school. My life and struggle began before I was born. My biological mother was a single college student who decided to put me up for adoption so that a family could adopt me.

She strongly believed that a family willing to adopt me should have a college education and had prepared everything for it.

Steve Jobs’ biological mother and father
*Additional information
Real names of Steve Jobs’ mother and father: Joanne Schieble (later known as Joan Simpson) and Abdulfattah Jandali

A lawyer and his wife had agreed to take me from my mother after my birth, and everything was ready until after my birth, this family said they didn’t want a boy and wanted a girl instead. So it happened that my current parents received a phone call in the middle of the night asking if they were willing to adopt me, and they said definitely. My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and my father had never finished high school. My birth mother was not willing to sign the adoption papers until they promised to send me to college when I grew up.

*Additional information
Names of Steve Jobs’ adoptive parents: Paul and Clara Jobs

Names of Steve Jobs' adoptive parents: Paul and Clara Jobs

So seventeen years later, I entered college, and because I had little information at the time, I chose a college whose tuition was almost equivalent to Stanford University’s, and I quickly spent my parents’ life savings on tuition. After six months, I realized that college was not beneficial to me.

Steve Jobs at age 17

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and how college was going to help me. Instead of spending my parents’ life savings, I dropped out, but I believed that everything would work out. At first, I was a little scared, but now that I look back, I see that it was one of the best decisions of my life. The moment I dropped out of school, instead of going to classes I had no interest in, I started doing things I really enjoyed. Life was not easy for me at that time. I didn’t have a room and slept on the floor of a friend’s room. I would return empty Pepsi cans for five cents each to buy food.

Sometimes I would walk seven miles to have a free meal at the church. I liked their food. I embarked on a journey due to my curiosity and inner ambiguity, which turned into a valuable experience. Reed College was offering one of the best calligraphy teachings in the country at that time. All the university posters were beautifully calligraphed, and since I had dropped out of my regular program, I took calligraphy classes. Their style was very interesting, beautiful, artistic, and historical, and I enjoyed it very much. I had no hope that calligraphy classes would play a role in my future professional life, but ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, all my calligraphy skills came back to my mind, and I used them in Macintosh graphic design. The Macintosh was the first computer with artistic and beautiful computer fonts.

If I hadn’t taken those calligraphy classes back then, Mac would never have artistic fonts now. Also, because Windows copied Mac design, probably no computer would have these fonts. Well, you see, when a person looks to the future, the impact of events may not be clear, but when they look at the past, they realize the connection of these events. Remember, you must believe in something, in your courage, your destiny, your life, or anything else. This is what has never disappointed me and has created many changes in my life.

Part Two: “My second story is about love and loss.”

Video: Love What You Do | Steve Jobs  

I was delighted to find the things I loved so quickly. My colleague, Wozniak, and I started Apple in my parents’ garage when I was only twenty years old. We worked very hard, and in ten years, Apple turned into a two billion dollar company with about four thousand employees. We had introduced our most interesting creation to the market; the Macintosh.

steve jobs steve wozniak Apple company at the start
Apple company at the start

A year after the launch of the Macintosh, when I was only thirty years old, the Apple board of directors fired me from the company. How could someone be fired from a company they founded, very simple. The company had grown, and we had hired someone we thought would be good at running the company. Everything was going very well until after a year or two, I disagreed with him about the future strategy of the company, and the board supported him, and I was formally fired.

I felt like I had lost everything I had achieved in my life. For a few months, I didn’t know what to do. I was officially defeated, and I was no longer in Silicon Valley, but a feeling began to grow within me. A feeling that I really liked, and the events of Apple hadn’t changed it much. The feeling of starting over. Maybe I didn’t realize back then that being fired from Apple was one of the best events of my life. The weight of success had been replaced by the lightness of a fresh start, and I was completely free. That period of my life was full of creativity. Over the next five years, I founded a company called NeXT and met an extraordinary woman whom I later married named Lauren.

Pixar created the world’s first computer-animated film tool called Toy Story, which is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In an extraordinary turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, which led me to return to Apple and the technology developed at NeXT revolutionized Apple. I started a very good life with my wife, Lauren. If I hadn’t been fired from Apple, none of these events might have happened. This event was like bitter medicine given to a patient, but the patient really needs it. Sometimes life hits you like a brick to the head, but don’t lose your faith. I am sure the only thing that made me always move forward in my life was that I was doing something I really loved.

My third story is about death.

Video: What Is The Best Invention of Life? S…  

I was seventeen when I read somewhere that if you live each day as if it were your last, one day it might really come true. This sentence had an impact on me, and since then, for thirty-three years, every day when I look at myself in the mirror, I ask myself if today were my last day, would I still do the things I need to do today or not. Whenever the answer to this question is no, I realize that I need some changes in my life. Knowing that eventually, one day I will die became an important tool for me to make many decisions in my life because all the great expectations of life, all the pride, all the shame of failure, don’t matter in the face of death. About a year ago, doctors diagnosed me with cancer.

It was 7:30 in the morning when they examined me and diagnosed a tumor in my stomach. I didn’t even know what the stomach was and where it was located, but the doctors said this type of cancer was incurable, and I wouldn’t live for more than three months. The doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order. What he meant was to prepare for death and, for example, tell my children about the things that were supposed to happen in ten years. Within three months, remind them. It meant being ready to say goodbye. With that diagnosis, I spent the whole day wringing my hands, and they did an optical test on me at midnight. They inserted an endoscope through my throat, passing through my stomach. My wife said that when the doctor put the sample under the microscope, she started crying involuntarily.

Because he said it was one of the rarest types of stomach cancer and it was treatable. Death is a useful and intelligent reality of life. No one wants to die, even those who want to die and enter paradise. But still, death is a common reality in all of our lives.

Perhaps death is the best invention of life because it is responsible for creating change and transformation. It removes the old and opens the way for the new. Remember, your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Never fall into the trap of sorrow and grief, and never let the noise of others silence your inner voice, and most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and your faith. When I was your age, a very popular magazine called the Whole Earth Catalog was published, which was one of our generation’s most popular magazines. It belonged to the sixties, when there was no news of affordable computers. The whole magazine was made with a typewriter, scissors, and a Polaroid camera. Maybe something like Google now, but thirty-five years before Google existed. In the middle of the seventies, they published the last issue of the Whole Earth Catalog. At that time, I was your age now, and on the cover of their last issue was a photo of early morning in a mountainous rural area. The kind you might love for mountain hiking. Underneath that photo was written:

stay hungry stay foolish

This was their farewell message when they were publishing the last issue.

stay hungry stay foolish

This is the wish I always had for myself, and now it’s a wish for your graduation…

Steve Jobs' top 10 rules

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Written By

Reshad Nouri

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