The Story of the viral bottle cap challenge with the participation of numerous celebrities.


The internet challenge

a highly popular phenomenon, engages people worldwide in various activities. This trend emerged a few years ago with challenges like the Ice Bucket Challenge, often initiated by well-known figures such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, spreading widely in the online space. It involves a famous individual performing an activity, sharing the video online, and then nominating other celebrities to take on the challenge. Some challenges are conducted for charitable purposes, where participants either perform the activity or donate to a specified cause.

Shortly after the release of videos by famous individuals, less-known and eventually unknown individuals spontaneously join the challenge. For a period, ranging from days to months, the online space and social networks become flooded with videos of this new activity. The diversity in the appearance and skill level of participants, along with the creative variations in their performances, turns internet challenges into engaging and entertaining subjects.

The Story Spinning a tabletop like this, hitting the bottle cap challenge in this way, where did the bottle cap challenge come from? The story began with a Kazakhstani taekwondo master known as Master FA, with the Instagram handle @farakicks. On June 25, 2019, he posted a video of himself standing in front of a camera, performing a 360-degree spin, kicking the cap off a water bottle with his foot, and the cap spinning several times without the bottle falling. The caption invited others, including celebrities like Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Conor McGregor, and Jason Statham, to attempt the move using the hashtag #farakickschallenge.

مبدع چالش درب بطری

Watch the video of the Inside YouTube channel, which says, “What Is the Bottle Cap Challenge?

Went Viral with Jason Statham

چالش بطری آب جیسون استاهتام

Mission: Make the video go viral by agent Jason Statham.

The result was 21 million views and 6 million likes, achieved by the famous Hollywood actor Jason Statham. In early July 2019 (about a week after the challenge started), Jason posted his video on Instagram, stating #challengeaccepted. The video also mentioned that Jason had been challenged by the American singer John Mayer.

Viral Spread Chart

To better understand the first steps and how it went viral:

ایتفوگرافی چالش بطری آب

Jason Statham‘s bottlecapchallenge was FAKE!!

Was Jason Statham’s video staged? Nobody knows. However, a video claiming it was staged was circulated. Watch this video on Viral One and share your thoughts in the comments.

Celebrities and the Challenge

جاستین بیبر کانر مک گرگور نصرت

Film director Guy Ritchie, known for Sherlock Holmes, shared on Instagram that he could do this all day.

Justin Bieber‘s video garnered 23 million views, and he invited Tom Cruise to take on the challenge.

The bottle cap challenge with actor Akshay Kumar reached 8 million views.

UFC champion Conor McGregor‘s video received 10 million views.

Renowned chef Nasrat also participated, with his video reaching 7.8 million views.

Sergio Ramos‘s viral video received 8.7 million views, Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s had 16 million, and Paul Pogba’s reached 9 million.

watch the video “Top 10 Best Celebrity Bottle Cap Challenges” from MOJO channel

Even SpongeBob joined the bottle cap challenge. Watch the short video here.

Game of Thrones: Stop Bottle Cap Challenge

Sophie Turner, the actress from Game of Thrones, expressed her anger through the bottle cap challenge.

Indian Politician’s Tweet

An Indian politician and author shared a cartoon on Twitter depicting a location engaging in a protest by performing the bottle cap challenge and throwing plastic bottles into the ocean.

کارتون اعتراضی به چالش درب بطری

Sources Used for this Story:

The Story of the viral bottle cap challenge with the participation of numerous celebrities.
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