Animated Short Film “Voltige” by Léo Brunel

Voltige is a short film by third year Motion Picture in Arles student Léo Brunel in France. It’s quick, simple and hilarious.

Voltige Short Film by Léo Brunel from MOPA (Supinfocom Arles).

They are very skilled

Voltige is a short animated film by a graduate of the MoPA School of Graphics in France. Its story is about a situation in which everything falls apart and when you want to solve the problem, another problem arises and this story continues until…

Watch the result of these conflicts in the video of 2 skilled repairmen.


The theme of this year was the garage. Software used : 3dsMax, Zbrush, Vray, Premiere, After Effects, Audition, Photoshop.

He used Fiat 500 in his Animation


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