A Girl Who Can Talk To Crows And Is A Trainer Of Over 200 Birds

A Girl Who Can Talk To Crows And Is A Trainer Of Over 200 Birds
viral video of Paige Davis talking to a white-necked crow.

A little about white-necked black crows

White-necked crows are a species of crows that live mostly in East and North Africa. They are social creatures and live close to humans. Like other species of their family, they are very intelligent creatures and can use a tool when hunting if needed.

The important thing about them is that they can imitate human behavior.

Maintenance and education of 200 birds

Paige Davis , the girl in the video, is a bird educator at The World Bird Sanctuary . This sanctuary has an area of ​​305 hectares and is a very suitable place for birds to live. Davis has an education about birds and communicates with all wild birds, crows, eagles, hawks and owls to harmless birds such as parrots and…

Her Facebook address to see the information and video of the birds sponsored by Page Davis. Here

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